Opening of Brighty & Co

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Opening of Brighty & Co

Gran Via 2 Celebrates the Opening of Brighty & Co, the New Jewel of Women's Fashion in the Shopping Center

Gran Via 2 is proud to announce the opening of Brighty & Co in its commercial space. Originating on Calvet Street in Barcelona in 2014, Brighty & Co brings its distinctive style of women's fashion to our shopping centre. Our collections offer timeless garments that combine perfectly with the most current trends. We emphasize naturalness, comfort and the Mediterranean character for your daily life and for those special occasions that deserve a touch of elegance. Discover the new Brighty & Co store on Gran Via 2 and find your unique style today!

Moda Dona
  • dilluns, dimarts, dimecres, dijous, divendres, dissabte de 09:30 a 22:00
  • Carrer
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