Reopening of Intimissimi

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Reopening of Intimissimi

Gran Via 2 Announces the Reopening of Intimissimi After an Impressive Renovation

We are delighted to inform you that Intimissimi has reopened its doors at Gran Via 2 after a spectacular renovation of its premises! The renowned women's lingerie and underwear brand has completely renovated its space to offer you an even more pleasant and exclusive shopping experience. Immerse yourself in the new atmosphere of intimacy and elegance as you explore its wide range of high-quality clothing. Come and discover the new era of Intimissimi at Gran Via 2, where comfort and style meet in perfect harmony!

Íntima - Bany
  • 93 259 00 48
  • dilluns, dimarts, dimecres, dijous, divendres, dissabte de 09:30 a 22:00
  • Carrer
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