15% discount in all products

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15% discount in all products

15% discount in all products.

RAIVE was born in Barcelona under the direction of designers Raül Carnero and Verónica Rivero. At its headquarters in Esplugues de Llobregat, all stages of the creation of their jewelry are carried out in an artisanal manner: design, manufacture, and production.

Embracing a concept of jewelry created for women and men who appreciate beauty, design, and exclusivity that only the artisan jeweler can provide, the brand, which has been available in the best Boutiques and Jewelers since 2012, chose CC Gran Via2 to open its Flagship Store in 2019, offering the opportunity to delve into the Universe and Essence of RAIVE.

Each RAIVE jewel is the result of the creation of unique objects that possess aesthetics, history, and reflection. The harmony of silver with semiprecious stones, minerals, and noble materials like leather gives rise to unique designs; exclusive and with their own identity. Each piece of jewelry is treated in a unique and exclusive manner by artisan jewelers with the Made in Spain seal.

Joieries, Rellotgeries i Complements
  • 930 246 904 / 644 696 642
  • dilluns, dimarts, dimecres, dijous, divendres, dissabte de 09:30 a 22:00
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